Issues and Challenges in Developing Shariah Governance and Shariah Audit in Islamic Cooperatives
Isu dan Cabaran dalam Membangunkan Tadbir Urus Syariah dan Audit Syariah dalam Koperasi Islam
Shariah audit, Shariah Governance, microfinance institutions, cooperative, Ar-RahnuAbstract
The development of Shariah governance and audit in Islamic Cooperatives in Malaysia is one of the primary concerns since some issues were raised throughout the process. Islamic cooperatives in Malaysia are regulated by Suruhanjaya Koperasi Malaysia (SKM), which aims to encourage the growth of cooperatives that comply with Shariah. Islamic cooperatives operate their business under supervision from SKM regarding governance and Shariah perspective. The development of Shariah governance and Shariah audit support the Shariah compliance system that already operates in most Islamic institutions. During the Shariah governance and audit process, some issues are addressed during the development, which involves guidelines, Shariah auditor competency, staff skills, and governance and Shariah audit of the cooperative sector. The study’s approach included an interview with practitioners from cooperatives, auditors, and experts in the industry. This paper aims to identify the issues and challenges of Shariah governance and Shariah audit in the Islamic cooperative sector. The study will contribute to one of the key critical elements in strengthening the Shariah governance and Shariah audit in the cooperative sector.
Pembangunan tadbir urus Syariah dan audit dalam Koperasi Islam di Malaysia merupakan salah satu kebimbangan utama memandangkan beberapa isu telah dibangkitkan sepanjang proses tersebut. Koperasi Islam di Malaysia dikawal selia oleh Suruhanjaya Koperasi Malaysia (SKM), yang bertujuan untuk menggalakkan pertumbuhan koperasi yang mematuhi Syariah. Koperasi Islam menjalankan perniagaan mereka di bawah seliaan daripada SKM berkaitan tadbir urus dan perspektif Syariah. Pembangunan tadbir urus Syariah dan audit Syariah menyokong sistem pematuhan Syariah yang telah beroperasi di kebanyakan institusi Islam. Semasa proses tadbir urus dan audit Syariah, beberapa isu ditangani semasa pembangunan, yang melibatkan garis panduan, kecekapan juruaudit Syariah, kemahiran kakitangan, dan tadbir urus serta audit Syariah sektor koperasi. Pendekatan kajian termasuk temu bual dengan pengamal daripada koperasi, juruaudit, dan pakar dalam industri. Kertas kerja ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti isu dan cabaran tadbir urus Syariah dan audit Syariah dalam sektor koperasi Islam. Kajian itu akan menyumbang kepada salah satu elemen kritikal utama dalam mengukuhkan tadbir urus Syariah dan audit Syariah dalam sektor koperasi.
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